Taken together, creative industries represent a serious potential for our local, but above all for the regional market. Tied into one idea, one market, creative industries can become “The Next Big Thing” of our region, and the Creative Gate digital platform is the first, but particularly crucial step towards networking, connecting and cooperation of industries in which creativity, art, culture, and business intertwine. We talked about the Creative Gate platform, the whole idea and initiative, with Ivan Petrović, President of the Board of EXIT Foundation, which happens to be one of the originators of this initiative. Ivan has dedicated most of his career to activism and what is now called “Social Impact” activities, so talking to him was a real pleasure and inspiration. For those who feel part of these industries, we extend a collective invitation to join and register on the platform!
Digitalk.rs podcast episode about the Creative Gate platform
December 23, 2024
Published by EXIT.Foundation