Ivan Petrović on the platform that makes the Balkans a center of creativity: “Creative Gate” is a vision of a new Earth

Creativity is all around us, on the facades, on the sidewalks, in the wind and in the shade. It travels deftly, from mouth to mouth, connecting us almost imperceptibly. Now imagine a space in which we would gather all this creativity in one point, and then, like drawers, single out those that are close to us, explore those that we might not have noticed before, and constantly create new threads of acquaintance that strengthen this not so small community.

The same idea was dreamed of by the EXIT Foundation, which, together with the largest Macedonian festival Taksirat, creating something completely new, and unique in our region – the first “creative-digital paradise” called “Creative Gate”.

This platform, free of charge, is intended for all CCI companies, organizations and individuals from the Balkans, and we talked with Ivan Petrovic, President of the Board of EXIT Foundation, about how long it took from idea to realization, how artists can use it and what it aims to grow into after the initial phase.

• How did the idea to establish the Creative Gate platform come about?

The idea was born through an informal gathering of several friends who are at the same time leaders from different fields of creative industries, starting with us from the world of music and festival industry, through advertising, gaming, organization of business congresses, film, etc. While creating the vision, we formulated a long-standing common dream, and that is for the Balkans to become a global “creative-digital paradise”.

Our vision is for the Balkans to become one of the global hubs for creativity, innovation, knowledge, and awareness, where talents from different fields come together to create a future that respects the principles of sustainability, openness, and mutual cooperation. We strive to be an incubator for innovative ideas and technologies, a place where culture and technology come together to create an inclusive society based on knowledge, creativity, and awareness, all of which enrich lives and, while respecting natural resources and cultural heritage, leave a lasting legacy to future generations.

Our mission is to build dynamic creative communities, creative metropolises, and villages that, functioning in harmony with nature, serve as havens for innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs from all over the world. We transform the energy of constant “coping” in permanent crises and destructive conflicts into the constructive energy of creation, creativity, and innovations.

Aware of our role in the global ecosystem, we are committed to promoting cultural exchange, economic growth, and sustainable living through development of digital infrastructure, educational programmes, and creative communities. We work to create an environment that fosters critical thinking, cross-sectional collaboration, and the continuous development of talent, ideas, and innovation, enabling our community members to explore new opportunities, push boundaries, and contribute to global communication and sustainable development.

This initiative originated in the Balkans, but it is intended for the entire world, for the vision of a New Earth, in which humanity lives in harmony with nature and with each other.
Just imagine a place where creativity and innovation are not only celebrated, but also lived every day. It is Creative Heaven – a unique community that brings together the brightest minds from the Balkans and from all corners of the world and all walks of life, to work together to create a sustainable future. We are not only creative people from the Balkans and all parts of the world; We are a dynamic ecosystem where education, technology, and culture merge to drive economic growth and cultural exchange. At Creative Heaven, every day is an opportunity to gain experience, grow and create something new – all with the aim of leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. Join us in creating the future we want to see, together.

• How much time has passed from the idea itself to the realization?

I can say that the idea has been sculpted and honed for several years, but that it has experienced its first embodiment in the past year through the project and platform “Creative Gate” implemented by EXIT Foundation and the largest Northern Macedonian festival, Taksirat.

• We also believe that the whole project was a significant financial outlay, who helped you in the realization?

The “Creative Gate” platform (creative-gate.org) is part of the project “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs), funded by the European Union, which aims to strengthen the cultural and creative sectors in the region by improving dialogue and socio-economic impact. The project is implemented by UNESCO, the British Council, and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), that are working to create a sustainable and inclusive creative environment, recognizing the importance of cultural heritage and innovation in regional cooperation.

• Was the Creative Gate platform created as a pilot project and how long will it last? What are the main goals that need to be met in order for the platform to become a “project” with a tradition such as EXIT Festival?

The “Creative Gate” platform is designed to be a permanent “digital” home for gathering and cooperation between the actors of the creative and cultural industries of the region. In order for this to materialise, in the first step we need to convince stakeholders from the region to join, to first see what types of professionals are available, how many of us there are in the countries and areas of the CCI, both individually and in the region as a whole. For creative industries, good networking, and cooperation between actors from different disciplines are critically important. We will have a large number of conversations and communications with people from the creative sector, in order to explain the vision and goals we want to achieve together and why is it important for them to join.

• How do you plan to raise awareness of the existence of such a platform, with the aim of getting as many artists as possible to join? What number of artists on the platform would you be satisfied with?

I have to say that our focus is primarily on companies, organizations, but also individuals who are in some way involved in the work of the creative industries of the Balkans. Anyone who recognizes themselves as belonging here are welcome to register as a member completely free of charge at creative-gate.org. We are not chasing any specific targets for the number of members, but I believe that we can gather hundreds of professionals, companies, and organizations from this sector relatively quickly. After the launch of the platform as part of the Western Balkans Creative Day on 16 November in Belgrade, we will present the platform in the capital cities of the region, starting from Skopje, where the platform will be presented as part of the PIN Conference at the end of November, and further on until the end of March. A campaign to display the benefits of the platform for them is also underway.

• What are all the benefits of joining Creative Gate?

In short, there are three basic goals/benefits that we want to achieve together:
Joint work on the vision of positioning Serbia and the Balkans as a global centre of creativity, in which all players of the creative economy should be the driving force. We believe that the creative sector is our greatest development opportunity.

And this is already clear, because according to the research commissioned by “Serbia Creates”, 4 years ago, by the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, creative industries in Serbia accounted for 7.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and the growth more rapid than the rest of the economy.
The sector comprises more than 70,000 companies employing around 127,000 people, of which almost 70% are in the 25-44 age group, half have university degrees, with a significant female representation. The potential to prevent brain drain is enormous because it offers high-value-added jobs without generating environmental pollution.

Networking and better business cooperation between CCI players in the Balkans. You can post your services and products, needs for staff, partners, financing opportunities and all other needs and offers in the Opportunities section (visible only to registered members). Joint long-term work on creation of a better general environment and business climate for the development of creative and cultural industries in the Balkan countries.

Registration and membership on the platform is completely free. This is a socially responsible, community-based initiative that is not motivated by generating profits from the platform but rather promotion of giving and personal contribution.

(Telegraf Business)

Author: EXIT.Foundation

EXIT Foundation is part of the EXIT Festival team that focuses on social activism. EXIT is a music festival, which came into existence as a result of youth social activism, thus becoming the core of the festival itself that EXIT founders never separate from the music spectacle it stands for.

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